lunes, 27 de diciembre de 2010

Makinkaiser SKL OP

From the Demented Minds of Go Nagai and Loudness comes the Opening of the Awesome MazinKaiser SKL OVA, just bask in THE POWER!!!!!

viernes, 17 de diciembre de 2010

Review - Beyond

"I'm Bad... Well, Not Really"

Another small hentai review, I think this title is so obscure that I couldn't even find it on ANN, apparently this 2 episode OVA from the 90's they are Beyond: Awakening Satan; the Devil and Legend of Satan; the Devil

By the title you could think this could be the most horrible tentacle hentai ever, but you would be WRONG! this story is set in the far future, an ancient entity's seal is broken by his female servant, she tells him that he's one of the most evil creatures of the universe, but he doesn't remember a thing and he's nice to people!!

So in a quest to regain his memories he travels thru the universe with his servant encountering a female space captain, a female bounty hunter and a princess, the art style looks like 90's AIC, the story is OK with some good bits of comedy and everything is consensual, a big plus in my book.

Veredict: 3.5 Alien Bishoujos out of 5

martes, 14 de diciembre de 2010

Movie Time: "Sucker Punch" Featurette

One of the movies that has me pumped for next year is Jack Snyder's Sucker Punch, the story of a young woman that is thrown into a mental institution and abused, the only ways for Babydoll and the other women in the institution to get away is from all their fear is a mission into their minds. Yesterday Warner Brothers dropped this little featurette on Itunes and its keeping my interest up in the movie, you got Zombie, Mazis, Robots, Mecha and Giant Samurai with chain guns!!!!

So guys and gals what do you think about this new Zack Snyder project?

miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2010

Movie Time: TransFormers 3 - Dark of The Moon Trailer

Well, The Trailer for Michael Bay's newest Explosion-Fest TranFormers 3: Dark of the Moon hit the web, honestly it looks intriguing, hoping the movie takes more from the first movie more than Revenge of the Fallen, but knowing Michael Bay, it might be too much to ask, prepare for multiple explosions, in 3D.

miércoles, 1 de diciembre de 2010

MazinKaiser SKL coming to R1 DVD

The US Anime company Media Blasters has announced the licensing of the 3 part OVA MazinKaiser SKL for release in May 2011, the Newest chapter of the MazinSaga should be embraced by all, specially Go Nagai and Super Robot lovers.... like me